It's official. I am a masochist. I finally finished building my kitchen this weekend. It felt amazing and I am so happy and relieved that is completed. I gave my contractor the biggest hug in the world and a Coors Light when we cleaned the last of the construction dust. Boy, trust me when I say there was A LOT of it.
This was quite possibly the most difficult leg of the renovation phase. We had a heat wave that lingered all weekend (if you are reading this and don't live in NYC, thank God you weren't here) and carrying all of the materials up a four story walk up in an apartment with NO aircon due to the construction dust was pretty much hell for two days. I had one or two emotional break downs. It was rough; I actually cried once. I kept thinking I must be absolutely crazy to think I can pull this off.
The above photos are from the kitchen renovation. We had to cut all of the butcher block tops, install them, rip out sheet rock to place reinforcements for the shelving, build the wall back again, install (the gorgeous) stove, put in the farmhouse sink (I've always dreamed of one), install the faucet, install the water lines and a hundred other last minute touch ups. It's not 100% complete; I need to figure out why the dryer isn't working, get the gas turned on and get the washing machine leveled properly still. Oh, and I need to paint the walls white. The list goes on and on...
Anyway, I can't believe how much got accomplished. It was a great weekend!
I'm so proud of you! this looks AMAZING!!!!!!!
Thanks Diana! I can't believe it's finished (almost there). It only took forever...You and Dave are coming over for dinner and wine ASAP. No more POW conditions for me in Bushwick! My kitchen kept flooding too and that kept setting me back. God, the whole thing has been a money pit and scary. I had to two floods and had to replace cabinets and sections of the floor. I'll elaborate on that living hell over some yummy malbec and great records at my place. Soon, dear!! XO, V.
Hey, congratulations on your award this evening (at the Waldorf!!) Go Dirty D!!
val -- your kitchen looks AMAZING!!!!! I absolutely love butcher block counter tops. I had them in my last place and am forever sold. Even love them more then the classic, tried and true carrera countertops. BEAUTIFUL!!!! i must come visit! Also love love love the sink. is that WW? looks a bit smaller than the WW farmhouse. I miss kitchen design! xoxo
Leslie, dearest!! Thank you so much for the compliment. They mean a lot coming from you, the design guru Parsons graduate. I can't believe I was JUST with you on the beach in Santa Monica. Ugh, I want to hit rewind over and over again.
The sink surprisingly is from IKEA. The Waterworks sinks are amazing, albeit $$$. The porcelain one I had dreams about was $5K. Um, yeah right. This IKEA one was only $199 and has a 25 year warranty. God, she's a beast though. We carried her up the stairs (4 stories) and the thing weighs over 100lbs. I thought I was going to die. Literally die in the stairwell.
Butcher block is really nice. It only cost $90 for all of the tops. Amazing! I love how warm it feels next to the heavy Fisher Paykal oven. In my next home I am definitely having honed calacatta gold counters with a solid piece as a backsplash too. Gorgeous!!! I have big plans for the next home...
Hey, you got mail. I just sent you an email about mission: dive bar.
God, I miss and love you.
Your place is gorgeous V. Unreal. Thanks for having us over last night. Hey, Ogden is soooo helping you paint the trim BTW. I'm not letting him say no.
Please let me email my friend at apt therapy...think about it. Modesty gets you nothing babe.
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