Friday, April 9, 2010

Glücklicher Freitag!!

What a great week that just wrapped up! The highlight was seeing Best Coast a few nights ago at the Mercury Lounge (one of my favorite teeny tiny places to see bands in the city) on a night that was 90 degrees outside. The show was fantastic. I mean really really fantastic. I have a girl crush on the lead singer, Bethany Cosentino. What a voice. She sounds like a dirty angel.

Enjoy your weekends everyone! I'll be in lovely Chocolate City, aka: The District of Columbia, celebrating a dear friend's engagement and visiting with friends and family. Cheers Matt and Megan!

XX, Nanook.


Miss Suhy said...

Blankus Larry tonite!! b4 you head to the Vanilla suburbs.

Nanook of New York said...

E-Sue, I'm in Brooklyn tonight and leave tomorrow around noon. I arrive in DC on 10th and H @ 5pm (Bolt Bus). I'm not getting tonight for the gig.

But wait, SHIT!! I'm meeting Carrie, Fiona Mae and Charles @ the Boat Club (where they had their wedding, same place) on Sunday in OT around noon for lunch and lots of bad pinot grigio.

Join us?

Miss Suhy said...

booooosers! sunday sounds fun, but we spending the night in DC saturday night! what time does your bus leave? we going to a friend's photo show in afternoon before we head out... if you're interested.

Nanook of New York said...

Sunday, Union Station @ 5:10pm. Thanks for the photo show offer, but I need Beresford time. I'm most likely going to say no this time. Thanks for the invite.

I just didn't feel like racing to Penn Station after work on a Friday to get on a four hour bus ride. I'm going to out for a little bit tonight and then leave tomorrow at my own leisurely pace. I HATE racing to Penn Station on a Friday. It's too much. TOO MUCH.

Cheers dear, V.


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