Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Got a Trumpet...

I swear the last two weeks have been insane for New Yorkers. This blanket of heat on top of us is beyond oppressive. Every night has made everyone either stay at work longer or go to a bar just so they can enjoy some type of aircon. The bars have been consistently packed every single night.

Tonight was no exception. I went straight to Union Pool (images above) after the museum just so I could have "fresh" air and some type of relief. I had a great night but am already dreading waking up tomorrow and melting in the subway tunnels. I hate complaining, especially about the weather, but if you don't live here - you really have no idea how les miserables it is. The best description I've heard is soupy. Yeah, believe it.

Ugh. My apartment is roasting right now but I'm enjoying some Kurt Vile on vinyl and major fan action! Goodnight dearest friends and stay cool...XO, Nanook.

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