Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Master Cleanse

Stanley Burrough's Master Cleanse is no joke. It is a ten day fast that cleans all of the toxins out of your body and flushes your colon to a new squeaky clean state. It is amazing. I mean truly truly amazing. Admittedly, I am an addict. I went 20 days last time with zero complaints.

The cleanse consists of only drinking water, freshly squeezed lemons, maple syrup (grade B) and cayenne pepper. Um, that's it. NO food. Not a morsel, nada. You can incorporate black tea, senna tea (a natural laxative) and water during your fast but that's it.

You also do 'salt water' flushes that aid in the cleansing of your intestines and colon. You feel so alert, alive, clean and energetic when you do this fast; trust me when I say it is worth every ounce of suffering. Only the strong survive on this and it truly is mind over matter.

Tomorrow is Day 1 of my 10. Bring it.


Nanook of New York said...

Kate - it's the best cleanse ever. It's tough, but if you can do this you can do anything. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

Ten days, big deal. Mind over matter. Do it. XX, V.

Ully said...

I did it a few years ago. It's not as hard as one might think once you're into it. Results vary, but are fascinating. Buy a lot of lemons :D


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